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new resize plugin

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new resize plugin

Postby Nico on Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:27 pm

Hi there,

I posted on the french forum a new plugin that manage resizing for Wymeditor.

Here it is

Why this plugin, there was one working in wym package, no ?
- Because it was using jQuery UI and I find this a little bit too heavy (And this adds useless dependences)
- Because there was a bug when resizing if the cursor go over the iframe, so I found a way to resolve this problem : hidding the iframe during resize.
- Because I had fun doing this, and now it's here, so why not sharing :)

How tu use it ?
- Insert the js file in your HTML doc
- In the init function of the skin, call : wym.initResize();
This should work.

I made this plugin for a special need, so I tested it only on the default skin and my personalised skin. So I'd love some feedbacks if you try it (witch context, how it works, what problems you get, what solutions if any...).


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