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Another approch of iframe controling

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Another approch of iframe controling

Postby Nico on Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:12 pm


I made some experiments this days about managing iframe through javascript, and I got some interesting results.
I coded a js class capable of handling an editable iframe without need of any external file (no html file to load in the iframe, no scripts to load in this html doc in the iframe).

This work is still experimental (just tested on Firefox for example, probably many problems to expect from other browsers), and I don't really know how this can be integrated in Wymeditor, but I really think this can help getting wymeditor much more simple to manipulate when it come's to manipulating the iframe and its contents.

I attached an archive in which you'll find a demo of my work. feel free to submit suggestions, bugs etc...


(as I don't speak well english, I'm not sure I'm understandable.... if not, just tell me, i'll try to express myself better :mrgreen: )
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Re: Another approch of iframe controling

Postby josephlopez on Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:44 am

this is a good way of doing it. thanks for sharing..
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:10 am

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