I'm transitioning a client's Drupal site from widgEditor to WYMedit/wysiwyg, and now have things mostly how I want them. Drupal throws in a few extra curves to negotiate if you want to customize the editor without resorting to hacking the source.
But getting clean input on paste is a problem, because editors WILL just paste directly into the editor rather than using "paste from word". They won't notice the awful result (really!). There's a preference in the Drupal wysiwyg prefs for WYMeditor that should force "normal" paste to behave like "paste from word", but this doesn't appear to work reliably.
I have a set of regexp functions I was using in widgEditor which aggressively strip out all tags and other junk I don't want. I would like to look into adding those as an "auto-cleanup" plugin for WYMeditor that tries to detect a paste then processes the result. Where should I be looking to hook this in?
Note I don't especially care if paste-detect won't work in Firefox, I can specify that IE or Safari must be used to edit.