Hi, fantastic editor, thankyou. I really have found it useful for a combined forum/blog/wiki/website amalgamation I'm creating.
Anyway, would it be possible at any time to include "revision control" - ie, whatever changes you make to the default text is included as "noted changes" -
eg, deleted text and added text might show up as something like "<deleted-text="hello world"><added-text="Goodbye World!"> - And that this would be "enforced" throughout the document so changes could be easily tracked.
I know that's probably not the ideal format, but I hope it gets the message across.
If there was someway to add this as a option then it would make collaborative work easier. I could write a page, someone else could edit it then I could review their edits and decide what I wanted to keep and what I wanted to delete. I could also show up deleted words in a different color and added words in another color entirely.
A variation on this idea would be a "comment" like an "add note" that wraps comments in a different field/color so they can be seen, or perhaps even separated from the main view.