Hello guys
Wonderful work ,, iam sakher iam from Jordan iam a php web developer ,, iam developing a forum for a web site and I posted many times in web development forums asking for web editor ,, and I was afraid not to find one online then I have to build a web editor which gonna contain many bugs ,, and I was sure I will find one on the net tested by others ,,, actually I found 4 but the easiest one was wymeditor bcoz it is simple to satisfy my needs for my web site "I don’t want MSword editor in my web site" ,, I reached here through google ,, I hope guys here advertise more for their product so they might get real customers later on who pay for such products and I hope they add some pages could be reached easily for end users to let them know how to install this impressive editor .
Thanks again for the owners of this project
They helped the world to pass new step