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Hello from the Netherlands

Please present yourself, your CMS, your life, how you use WYMeditor...

Hello from the Netherlands

Postby misterm on Thu May 17, 2007 5:40 pm

Hello people,

I am a dutch webdesigner/developer from the Netherlands. I run my own small company doing web related stuff.
My aim isn't getting good at one or two things, but rather to *** in combining exisiting and new techniques,styles etc. to benefit a project or a client.

I have skills in: Webdesign (Photoshop/Illustrator/UI Design), HTML (W3C, CSS), PHP/MySQL, Flash(with basic actionscripting skills), JS (also just the basics).
So basically i'm just being dynamic while getting web-stuff done, and loving it.

It's nice to see how this project is coming along. I have tried a kaziljon WYSIWYG type editors. I myself like Firefox, most of my clients use IE. So a WYSIWYG was a pain. This WYSIWYM might be the thing to bridge the gap (Paragraphing etc.) The visual style of editing is nice feature.
So.. i'm just keeping track and will post to the board whenever i think it might sound sensible :)

Keep up the good work!

Oh, for the curious ones: My spot at Devianart
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu May 17, 2007 5:17 pm

Postby jfh on Thu May 24, 2007 7:14 am

Welcome misterm,

I really like your style! Keep up the good work!
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